Famicom / NES |
Specifications | Games | Emulators Compatibility | Links |
Specifications (Japan) | |
Name: | Famicom [Family Computer] |
CPU: | N2A03 1.7897725 MHz |
Sound: | FM with 5 channels (4 analog, 1 digital) |
Screen: | 256 x 224 @ 60.00 Hz |
Colors: | 512 |
Published: | 1983 by Nintendo |
Others: | Data Path width: 8-bits Sprite Limit: 64 (8x8 or 8x16) Video Ram: 16 Kbits SPR-RAM: 256 Bytes Rom addressing: 8k Cart Size: 64k - 4 Megabit Controls: 8 directional D-Pad, A, B, select, and start buttons. |
Specifications (US) [same as (Japan) except] | |
Name: | NES [Nintendo Entertainment System] |
Published: | August 1985 by Nintendo |
Specifications (Europe) [same as (Japan) except] | |
Name: | NES [Nintendo Entertainment System] |
CPU: | N2A03 1.773447 MHz |
Screen: | 256 x 240 @ 50.00 Hz |
Published: | 1987 by Nintendo |
Emulators Compatibility | Tested | Points | Percentage |
amphetamines | 1 | 0.70 | N/A |
BioNES | 77 | 68.65 | 89% |
DarcNES | 79 | 52.50 | 66% |
EmilNES | 11 | 0.05 | 0% |
FakeNES | 79 | 63.55 | 80% |
FCE | 32 | 3.45 | 11% |
FCE Ultra | 79 | 78.25 | 99% |
FCEUX | 2 | 1.95 | N/A |
FreezeSMS | 23 | 14.75 | 64% |
G-NES | 79 | 74.70 | 95% |
InfoNES | 79 | 45.85 | 58% |
Jnes | 74 | 62.80 | 85% |
Liss NES | 79 | 61.95 | 78% |
MarioNES | 23 | 16.65 | 72% |
MCHE | 32 | 8.00 | 25% |
Mednafen | 12 | 10.95 | 91% |
MESS | 79 | 72.35 | 92% |
Mimic | 19 | 0.90 | 5% |
NESCafe | 10 | 7.20 | 72% |
Nessie | 25 | 23.95 | 96% |
NESten | 30 | 26.00 | 87% |
Nester | 77 | 60.40 | 78% |
NesterJ | 53 | 51.45 | 97% |
Nesticle | 79 | 64.85 | 82% |
Nestopia | 79 | 76.70 | 97% |
NEStron | 46 | 33.20 | 72% |
Nintendulator | 52 | 44.20 | 85% |
NNNesterJ | 79 | 77.35 | 98% |
olafnes | 77 | 46.40 | 60% |
Project 1986 | 2 | 0.00 | N/A |
Reminesce | 17 | 14.50 | 85% |
RockNES | 79 | 72.30 | 92% |
Sega Li | 12 | 12.00 | 100% |
shatbox | 11 | 4.60 | 42% |
TextNES | Not rated against others. | ||
UberNES | 25 | 22.40 | 90% |
Unofficial Nester | 77 | 73.90 | 96% |
VirtuaNES | 79 | 77.20 | 98% |
Xe | 15 | 14.40 | 96% |
YAME | 79 | 65.15 | 82% |